Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Great Wide Open

We go over the calendar each week at staff meeting, and so it came to my attention yesterday that I have nothing on my calendar after August 12th.

Freedom is a terrifying thing.

We do not have an ambulance. We do not have any car, actually. We do not even have the kind of plan I like to have, with timelines and to do lists and everything neat and orderly.

But there is great freedom in that.

And I have discovered that it is exactly what I need. Because even though there can be great sorrow and fear in openess, there can also be deep peace, and room for things we can't even imagine.

Rest assured, dear friends, that we will find a vehicle and will almost always know the next place we were going. but I'm giving up to-do lists indefinitely. because I need the room to breathe.

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