The Language of Hope
This activity for kids could also be something folks of any age could try today. It's making your own Hope Haikus. It's an activity posted on the Loyola Press website.
The details are below. But the main thing is just remember 5-7-5 and give it a go. If any one tries it, we hope you'll add it to the blog via the comment section at the end of the entry.
Happy haikuing.
This activity for kids could also be something folks of any age could try today. It's making your own Hope Haikus. It's an activity posted on the Loyola Press website.
The details are below. But the main thing is just remember 5-7-5 and give it a go. If any one tries it, we hope you'll add it to the blog via the comment section at the end of the entry.
Happy haikuing.
Activity Objective
The young people will be led to personal reflection and expression of the meaning of hope.
Lesson Outcome
The young people should be able to explain the virtues of faith, hope, and love.
- Scratch paper, one sheet per young person
- Pencils
- Two sheets of paper (4.5 x 5.5 inch) per young person
- Eight-inch piece of string (one per young person)
- Tempura paints
- Black markers
- Small containers for paint
- Newspapers
- Instrumental music
- CD player
Solo Activity
- Share with the young people the form of Japanese poetry called haiku. Explain that a haiku has three unrhymed lines. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five syllables.
- Allow the young people time for silent reflection and to gather their ideas about how to describe hope. Then have them use scratch paper to write two haikus about hope. The haikus should refer to nature and use a simile or metaphor. For example:
Glowing orange sun
Darting through scattered gray clouds
Reminds me of hope - Distribute the sheets of paper (4.5 x 5.5) and the string.
- Direct the young people to follow these steps:
- Dip the string in tempura paint.
- On one of the sheets of paper, form the string into a design.
- Cover the design with the other sheet of paper.
- Place a book on top.
- Slowly pull out the string.
- Remove the book and separate the papers to dry.
- Print or write the haiku with black marker on the dry paper.
- Display the artwork.
Approximate Time
25 minutes
- Playing instrumental music helps to create a reflective atmosphere.
- Have several containers of each paint color to alleviate congestion.
- Cover painting surfaces with newspaper.
Learning Styles
- Art/Space Smart
- Self Smart
- Word Smart
Finding God Themes
- Hope
- Living Our Faith
- Virtues
Here's one...
In Oklahoma
Wheat grows through cold winter months
Green blanket of hope
These days, nothing but
the sweet snoring of children
gets me through the night.
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