Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What Would Jesus Buy? This Weekend

We're showing What Would Jesus Buy? this Sunday.

It's the kickoff event to 5 weeks of Christmas Conspiracy events. It and all other happenings begin at 4 pm at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church parish hall. That's in Armory Park, just south of downtown, 545 S. 5th AVE.
After the movie is over we'll serve a vegetarian meal if you'd like to hang out. For those who can swing it, a suggested donation of $5 is requested to help cover the cost of the local, seasonal goodness.

This documentary came out last year and it is both a hilarious and disturbing hard stare into consumerism. It's also rated PG, so we'll have a kid friendly video and activity ready.

If you can't make it Sunday, there will also be a free showing on Saturday, Nov. 22, at 7 pm at Mountain View Nazarene Church, 410 S. Pantano Rd, in East Tucson. See www.actucson.wordpress.com to see what else is happening at Tucson area churches to support the Conspiracy.

Here's a trailer for What Would Jesus Buy?

Map to St. Andrew's ...

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bicycling theologian said...

Can I get a witness?! "What Would Jesus Buy?" is a hilarious and depressing look at consumption in America. Amen. Awomen. Aplanet. Auniverse.

Suggestion: if you're interested in lowering your consumption of unneeded plastic crap, begin by cutting out television completely. This way it's much harder for advertisers to get into your house and your psyche. Downsize to no TVs or one TV and move it into a room where it is no longer a focal point in your house. START LIVING IN YOUR LIVING ROOM AGAIN!

JointheLiving said...

Amen. Preach it. And let's start making more public living rooms— third-spaces—for our communities while we are at it. Glad you joined us. Peace.